World War Women: The Unsung Heroines of World War Two

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Eisenhower Public Library District
Second Floor Meeting Room A/B

Event Details

World War Women is a suspenseful reliving of the triumphs of our greatest heroines. From organizing the Resistance, to blowing up rail tracks, descrambling German Enigma messages, and flying dangerous missions, World War Women tells some of the most important, yet often forgotten. victories of WWII. After the film, reenactor Judith Kalaora will host a Q&A via Zoom.

In-person and phone registration starts May 6th for Norridge and Harwood Heights residents with valid library cards. Online registration for everyone starts May 13th.

Event Type(s): Performance
Age Group(s): Adults, Teens
Answers Desk
(708) 867-2299

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